
Monday, 21 January 2013

How to create a User Guide

At my work I was asked to create a "New User Guide" which would be used to introduce a person to the company's IT equipment and the technologies that the company uses. So I created one. I would like to share it with you so that maybe it will help you. Maybe you will learn something new or maybe you will be able to use it as an example for your own guide or it will give you other new ideas for your own project.

I used two methods to introduce the material to the person. Text and video.

So this is the guide that I created:

New User Guide
First of all “Welcome

This guide will show how to use software and hardware in this company. There might be some software and hardware that has been updated. If you spot a software or hardware that is described in this guide that does not exist in the company please speak to IT Department and they will explain how to use equivalent or similar software or hardware.

There are two ways how to get information from this guide. One way is to view the videos and other is to read the written description. To access the video tutorial please press on the highlighted (underlined) text and it will redirect you to YouTube website where you will be able to view the video. Please keep in mind that YouTube will playback the videos in low quality by default. You can increase the quality of the video by pressing on the “Gear” symbol at the bottom corner and choose the quality. I would suggest to choose the highest quality that is available.

Press on the “Gear” to access the quality settings

Then choose the quality (my advice is to choose the best quality)

You can also play the video in the full screen by pressing on the “Full Screen” icon.

In this Guide you will find these articles:

 Videos in this guide

   Videos In this guide
Once You join
Username and Password
Phone number
Windows Environment
Microsoft Office
How to find out which version I have?
No Driver found!
The Printer is not in the list!
Enterprise Google Mail
Google Chat
Google Drive
Google Calendar
Google Contacts
Google Groups

 Videos in this guide:

Click on this link to access the whole playlist of the videos in this guide

Once You join

Username and Password

Once you join your department you will be given a username and password. Just to be on safe side I will explain what is username and password:

     Username - a name that is assigned to each and individual user in the company. The username is unique and there is no other person with this username and there is no duplicate of the username. When using this assigned username within the system you will be given specific user rights and permissions. These rights and permissions will determine which local or network resources you will be able to access.


     Password - a combination of alphanumeric symbols that are used to protect the access of a particular software or location. This password is very often used injunction with an username. In the password the letters can be lower case and upper case. The minimum and the maximum length of the character are determined by the software or company’s IT policy. In our case the password requirements are:
     Password has to be changed every 90 days
   Minimum Password length is 7 characters
   You will not be able to reuse the same password for minimum of 5 times. This means that once the password will expire after 90 days of the creation of the password, you will be required to create a new password. The system will remember the previous password and will not allow you to use it until you have created new password for the 6th time. e.g.  lets imagine that your 5 passwords would be like these:
So you will not be able to reuse these password examples until there have been another 5 that replace the previous ones in the memory. This means that the next password will have to be something like this:
Only after this password has been saved in the system you will be able to reuse the first password:
And so on.

If you still have questions regarding your password please contact IT Department and they will be able to help you with the passwords. You will receive a temporary default password that you will need to change as soon as you can. Once you will log into your computer the system should prompt for the new password (click on the link to watch the video).

If for some reason the system does not prompt you for the change please watch the video below to change the password. This video is also very useful when you need to change the password at any time. (Click on the link to watch the video).

 Phone number

You will be given a phone number extension. Almost every person in the company has a phone number extension that you can use to identify yourself in the phone system. e.g. If a person within the company would like to call you but would not know your phone number, all he/she had to do is to go to the phone directory and search you by the name and call you. This directory will show you the name and surname of the person, phone number and if necessary other information. IT department will give you your phone extension number at the same time as when they will give you your username and temporary default password for Windows.

You can view the full tutorial on how to use the phone that the company hands out to the users by clicking the link below:
Please choose the model of the phone you have to view the appropriate tutorial video

Windows Environment

Once you have successfully logged into the Windows please take your time to familiarize yourself with the system. Make sure that you have all necessary tools and software that you will require for your work. The most popular tools and software that you will probably will need is Microsoft Office, Printers and Scanners and E-Mail.

Microsoft Office

At this moment in the company we have three type of Microsoft Office:
     Microsoft Office 2003
     Microsoft Office 2007
     Microsoft Office 2010

How to find out which version I have?

Follow these steps to find out which version of office you have:
1      Press Start Button on the Bottom left corner of the screen
2      Then Press the All Programs Link in the Start Menu
3      The Find Microsoft Office in the list and open the folder. When the folder will expand you will be able to see what version of the Microsoft Office you have. i.e. in the picture below you can see that it is Microsoft Office 2010 version as all Microsoft Office components are 2010.

Please watch the video in the link to see how to find out which version of the Microsoft Office you have: (Click on the link to watch the video).


Please make sure that you have all the necessary printers and scanners installed. Please follow these steps to find out which printers are installed and how to install new printers.
You can also watch the video below by clicking on the link:

Video tutorial on: How to install a printer
Press Start Button on the Bottom left corner of the screen 
1      Then click on the Devices and Printers link
2      Then Press the Add Printer Link
3      Add Printer wizard opens. Choose Add Network, Wireless or Bluetooth Printer option
4      Please wait for few seconds, untill the list is populated and then choose from available printers that you need. If you don’t know which printer you need to assign then please ask the IT Department to help you. Once you have chosen the printer, select it and press Next button.

5      Once you click Next the wizard will start the connection process and will try to install the driver.
6      Once it finds the driver it will ask for the permission to install it. Click Install Driver to proceed
7      Then the process of the driver installation will begin
8      Once the installation has finished the confirmation page will pop up. If you don’t want the newly installed printer to be your default printer then please untick the “Set as default printer” check box otherwise leave the box ticked. After that please click “Finish

No Driver found!

It can be that the server that has the printer resides on does not have the driver. You will receive this message
If this type of the message appears then please speak to your local IT Department and ask them to install the printer.

The Printer is not in the list!

There might be a situation that the printer that you want to install is not in the list of the available printers. This means that the printer is listed in the Active Directory. You can watch the video by clicking on the link below:

To see the Active Directory listed printers please follow these steps:
1      Press Start Button on the Bottom left corner of the screen 
2      Then click on the Devices and Printers link
3      Then Press the Add Printer Link
4      Add Printer wizard opens. Choose Add Network, Wireless or Bluetooth Printer option
5      Then click on the “The printer that I want isn't listed” link
6      Then when the next options appear leave the default option “Find a printer in the directory, based on location or feature” selected and press Next
7      Then find the printer in the list, choose it and press OK
8     When the installation has finished, You can view all the necessary information like Name and make. To proceed click Next button
9   Once the installation has finished the confirmation page will pop up. If you don’t want the newly installed printer to be your default printer then please untick the “Set as default printer” check box otherwise leave the box ticked. After that please click “Finish


Once you will have the necessity to print a document you will have to choose between two printers:
1      HP LaserJet 4200 - LON-OTP-PRI-03
2      RICOH Aficio MP C3300 - LON-OTP-MFD-01
The RICOH printer is the prefered printer to print from. To print from the printer please follow the video or instructions below:

Video tutorial: How to Print

1      Prepare the document that you need to print
2      Choose the printer
3      Print
4      Please go to the printer
5      Press Printer symbol
6      Enter your phone extension number
7      Choose the documents you want to print
8      Press “Start” to print the documents that you selected previously


In the company we use JIRA as the centralized service desk ticketing platform. If you have a IT related issue that you cannot solve or you don’t have enough permission then you will need to create a ticket and one of the IT team members will try to resolve the issue as soon as possible. The response time of the IT department depends on the level of the issue. If the issue is serious and affects the work then the IT department will try to resolve the issue as high priority. If the issue is a low level then it might take time until IT department will try to resolve the issue. I will describe the process of creating the ticket in the JIRA system. Please watch the video below or read the instruction on how to create the ticket:

1      Please open the Internet browser
2      After the browser has opened, enter address in browser address bar and press enter or arrow button on the right side of the Internet Explorer address bar
3      Once the website has loaded please press on "Log In" link
4      Then press on "Log in using Google"
5      This will use your Enterprise Google credentials that have been supplied by your IT department. These credentials are the credentials you use to log into your email account in Google Mail.
6      You can also tick on the check box "Keep me logged in" if the computer that you are using is mainly used by you to save your time next time you want to create a Service Desk ticket.
7      When the credentials screen will appear then please enter your Google Mail username and password and press enter on the keyboard or "Sign in" button on the screen. You can also leave the "Stay signed in" check box as it will remember your login details next time you will want to create a new Service Desk ticket.
8      If this is the first time that you have accessed this website you will need to create a password. Please enter the new password in the fields provided. Please remember that the password has to comply with the companies IT security policy. If you are unsure what is the policy please speak with the IT Department
9      To create a ticket please press the "Create Issue" button on the header of the page
10   Depending on the Issue you will need to choose from the available Projects, for the purpose of this demonstration I will use Corporate IT as a Project. This will send a notification to IT Department as this project type corisponds with IT related issues
11   Then you can choose the type of the issue. You can use "Incident" or "Change request". I will use Incident in this case.
12   In the "Summary" field type the brief description of the issue like "Printer needs to be installed"

13   Then you have to tell the system who is affected by this issue. You, your team or the whole company. In this case it is you.
14   After that choose the level of the severity. You can choose from:
a      Cosmetic
b      Minor
c      Major
d      Blocker
15   In the location field specify in which office you are in.
16   In the description field please provide the full description of the problem. For example: “Please install the LON-OTP-MDF-01 printer on my computer as I do not have administrative privileges to install the driver. Thank you
17   You can assign this ticket to a specific person or leave it on automatic
18   In the "PC Number" field please specify the name of the PC. You can find the name of the PC on the side of your PC or laptop or you can view it in the computer
19   To do that please follow these steps
20   Press Start button on the bottom left corner of the screen
21   Right-click on the Computer link
22   And Choose the Properties link
23   Next to the "Computer Name" you will see the full name of the computer
24   You can also add an image or other type of the documents to the ticket to help to speed up the process and help IT department
25   Once you have made sure that all the information is entered correctly please press
26   Create to finish


In every office there are different WiFi networks available. In London Office there are two WiFi networks:

Please follow these steps to connect properly to one or other WiFi network in London Office (please note that the instructions for other offices may vary and to find out the correct instructructions please contact the local IT Department)

To connect to ODIGEO_OFFICE WiFi network:
1      To connect to this network you have to be a part of Opodo domain. This means that you have to have Opodo domain credentials (To find out which domain credentials you have please speak with the IT Department) and the computer has to be registered within the domain to allow connections to this WiFi Access Point
2      Please log into the system using Opodo domain credentials
3      Once you have logged in, please click on the bottom right corner on the Wireless Connection icon to connect to the WiFi network
4      The system will display all available connections
5      Select ODIGEO_OFFICE and click connect

To connect to ODIGEO_GUEST WiFi Network:
1      You have logged into your laptop using any other login credentials other than Opodo domain credentials you will not be able to connect to ODIGEO_OFFICE so you will need to connect to ODIGEO_GUEST instead
2      To do that you will need to obtain a password. This password is a combination of 13 symbols
3      Please click on the bottom right corner on the Wireless Connection icon to connect to the WiFi network
4      The system will display all available connections
5      Select ODIGEO_GUEST and click connect
6      Then when prompted enter the Password and click “OK

Enterprise Google Mail

There are several ways how to log onto your email.

1      Type into your internet browser;
2      Once you are on Google website you can press on Mail or Gmail link in the header.

If you are not already logged into your email account please do so by entering the email credentials that the IT Department supplied you with. Please remember that you need to supply the full email address as you are using the Gmail service but the username is You have to supply the when entering the credentials

You can tick the "Stay signed in" check box. This will make sure that next time you will want to access your email you will not have to input the credentials  again.

It is highly recommended to logout from your account every time if you are using a shared computer or you are not logged into the computer using your own credentials as anyone would be able to access your data.

Once you have supplied the credentials please press “Sign in” button or press “Enter” on the keyboard

With this email account there are many things that you can do. Few of them are:
1      Send and receive emails
2      Use google chat and video chat called “Hangout”
3      Participate in a social network “Google+” Note: you will need to create account first
4      Create, receive, share and send documents in “Google Drive”
5      Use “Google Drive” as your cloud based storage space. This means that you will be able to create and store documents on the storage space which will be linked to your email account. Using this email account you will be able to access your data from any computer in the world at any time as the data you would store is located on “Google” servers and is accessible any time. But you have to  keep in mind that there is a space limitations for the storage. And you are allowed to keep only work related data on the “Google Drive”
6      Create, share and receive events created in “Google Calendar”. You can synchronize these events with your mobile devices like smartphones and tablets by synchronizing your account in the device
7      Create, send, share and receive contact details. You can synchronize these contacts with your mobile devices like smartphones and tablets by synchronizing your account in the device
8      Store, share and receive photos in “Google Picasa”.
9      Access and upload videos in “YouTube”.
10   Use account details to access “JIRA” Service Desk Ticketing system.


1      To create an email please press on "Compose" button. A windows will pop out.
2      In the "To" field please supply the full email address of an external receiver or name of an internal user. For example, I can supply name of an college and “Google Search” will look if such name exist in my contacts or in the contacts of Odigeo Group. If the Google search does not find the email address then you will have to write the full email address
3      In the "To" field there are links for CC and BCC.

Cc: stands for "carbon copy." Anyone listed in the Cc: field of a message receives a copy of that message when you send it. All other recipients of that message can see that the person you designated as a Cc: recipient received a copy of the message. To add an entry in the CC: field, click the "CC" link to the right of the "To:" field. Note: To send a message, you must always specify at least one recipient in the "To:" field.

Bcc: stands for "blind carbon copy." This is similar to the Cc: feature, except that Bcc: recipients are invisible to all the other recipients of the message (including other Bcc: recipients). For example, if you send a message To: HR and Bcc: your manager, then HR sees that it is the only recipient. Your manager, on the other hand, is "in the know" — he or she can see that you sent the message To: HR, and that you blind-copied him or her.
To add an entry in the Bcc: field, click the "BCC" link to the right of the "To:" field. Note: To send a message, you must always specify at least one recipient in the "To:" field.
4      In the “Subject” field you can specify the subject of the email. If you will leave this field blank the system will notify you that this field is left blank before sending the email. You can still ignore the message and send the email with blank "Subject" field, but it is very recommended to fill the "Subject" field as it will aid the receiver to understand the content of the email without opening the email itself. Also if you need to find an email it will help to look at subject field to identify the correct email.
5      Then in the message box you can write the desired information.
6      You can also edit the style of your message by clicking on the “Text Editing” Icon on the bottom of the email box.

There you can change the Font Style, text size, make the text bold, italic style and underline the text. You can change text colour. You can create numbered list or bulleted list. Edit the position of the text. And you can also remove the style of the text. This is useful when you are copying the text from a different source. This will remove the style that was used in the external source.
7      You can also add an attachment to the email. You can attach a file or photo. You can insert a link. There is a size limitation of the email, which is maximum of 25 MB. If you need to attach a file that is larger than 25 MB you can use a option to attach a file from "Google Drive". This option will send the file you want to attach to your "Google Drive" and share the file to the email address or person that you specified in the "To" field and insert a link in the email so that person can access the file. Then you can also insert an invitation that will be recorded in your "Google Calendar".
8      There are also options like Label the recipient. This means that every time you will receive email from the person that you are sending your email to will be labeled. For example you can label all you managment emails as Managers or Finance Emails as Finance. You can request a read receipt. This means that when you choose this option and send the email and the recipient will read the email the system will ask the recipient if he or she would like to send a "Read Receipt" And when the recipient will choose Yes it will automatically send an email to you that the recipient has read the email you have sent him or her. You can also print the email you are sending and check the spelling.
9      If you will close the email that you have composed by clicking on the "X" symbol it will not be deleted but it will be put in to the "Drafts" box instead. If you want to delete the the email that you have composed then you have to click on the "Bin" icon.

Google Chat

Video tutorial: How to use Google Chat

1      To access "Google Chat" first you need to find the person that you would like to chat with You can do that by entering the name of the person that is in the Google Mail system. It can be your colleague or a person outside your organization.
2      If this is the first time you are chatting with this person you will need to send him or her an invite first.
3      Once the person has accepted the invite it will appear in the list of chat users to start the chat with the person you can click on the user's name and the pop box will appear.
4      Then you can start the video chat by inviting the person to "Hangout".
5      Once the user accepts your invitation you will be able to start the chat

Google Drive

Video tutorial: How to use Google Drive

To access your "Google Drive":
1      Please click on the "Drive" link in the header of the page
2      Once the "Drive" has opened you can access all your files
3      There are two important tabs that you need to pay attention to
a      "My Drive", this tab will show all files that you have created and added to the drive
b      "Shared with me", this tab will show all the files that have been shared with you by other “Google Drive” users

To create a file within the "Google Drive":
1      Click on "Create" button.
2      Then choose which type of file you want to create.

In this example we will create a document file.

3      Click on "Document" to continue.
4      Once the document has opened you can start editing it.
5      First give it a title, and then start writing the text

The best thing about the "Google Documents" is that it has autosave function by default. This means that the document will save after every alteration.

From the document you can also share it to other people. To share the document:
1      Please Click on the "Share" button.
2      In the "Add people" field add the name or the email of the person you want to share the document with.
3      Then choose the level of rights you want to grant to the person. You can choose from:
a      Can edit
b      Can comment - this means that the person will be able to view the document and make comments within the document but he or she will not be able to edit it
c      Can view
4      Once you are happy with the all options available click on "Share & Save" button
5      Once you finished creating the document, just close it and it is saved.

Google Calendar

1      First lets switch to “Google Calendar” page
2      Click on the “Calendar” link on the top of the page

Once the calendar has opened you can see the calendar for the present week. You can change the view by choosing one of the options:
     4 days or

If you have any outstanding tasks they will be displayed in the Tasks pane which is on the right side of the window. You may have to open the tasks pane. To do that please follow these steps:
1      Click on “My Calendar” Tab on the left side of the screen
2      Once the contents open as a drop down menu, please click on the tasks to active the tasks
3      Now you should be able to see the Tasks on the right side of the screen

To create an event click on the "Create" button on the left side of the screen
1      Give your event a name
2      Specify when it will occur
3      You can also choose the timezone of the place of the meeting
4      You can also specify if the event is for all day or if this is a repeating event. e.g. it will occur every week
5      Then you can add the location
6      If this will be a video meeting then you can add a link for “Google Hangout”
7      Give it a description e.g. “On this meeting we will discuss the new ideas of the advertisement we can use in future”
8      Also add people who you would like to attend the meeting
9      Once you have finished creating the event press Save at the top of the screen.

To view an existing event you can click on it and it will give you a brief description but if you would like to have more information or you would like to edit it then please double click it.  You can also search in the calendar and it will show past and future events with the name you specified.

Google Contacts

To access the contacts please click on the Contacts Link on the top of the page. Once the page has opened you will be able to see the list of the contacts that are linked to your email.

There are few tabs that will contain the contacts:
     My Contacts - this tab will contain the contacts that you have created
     Most Contacted
     Other Contacts - This will include a list of people that you have sent the emails to
     Directory - this is the list of contacts of the entire company

You can also create your own group. To do that:
1      Please click on the “New Group” link
2      Give it a name and click “OK” to continue
3      Then click on the Group

Here you will be able to see the people that you have added to the group. This group will not be replicated to other people. This group is created only for your own use.

To create a personal contact:
1      Please click on the “New Contact” button
2      Then add a name of the person
a      You can click on the 3 dotted icon to get more options
3      Then add all the information necessary

To delete the contact:
1      please tick the checkbox next to the persons name
2      Then “More” and “Delete Contact

You can also search for the contact in your company.

1      Please enter the name of the person that you are looking for.

By clicking on the name you will be able to see the detailed information of the person

To add the person to  your contact list please press on the “Add to My Contacts” button

If you have synchronized your user account with your smartphone or tablet then these contacts will appear on the contacts book on your device.

Google Groups

Videos Tutorial: How to use Google Groups

Google groups are the distribution groups in the domain. This means that there are groups created that have members and if you would like to send a mail to everybody in the group you can just email it to the group itself.

Every Group has a Group owner. If you have been chosen to be a owner of the group then you would be able to add people to the group, remove people from the group, specify who can post to the group and who not, and also specify who can receive e-mails addressed to the group.

To access the Groups:
1      Please click on the Groups Link on the top of the page
2      The Groups homepage will open.

To access the groups:
1      Please click on the "My groups" icon
2      Once the list is populated you will be able to see which groups you own.

To access the groups preferences please click on the group. Here you can:
     Add or edit the “Welcome” message
     Add a new topic and
     Mark it as your favourite group

To manage to group please click on the “Manage” button

Here you will be able to see the preferences of the group like:
     Members of the group
     Their role
     Their email address
     What emails delivery options are for each member
     When the member joined the group
     Who is allowed to post to this group

To change any of the preferences of a specific user or users:
1      Choose the user by ticking the checkbox next to the persons name and
2      click on “Action” button. Here you can choose from:
a      Delivery options
b      Posting permissions
c      Add a role
d      Remove from a role
e      Remove from a group and
f       Ban from the group

You can also invite a member to the group by clicking on the "Invite Members” link on the left side of the screen. Then enter the email address of the people you would like to invite and write an invitation text. Once you have added all the people and entered the text please click on "Send invites" button on the top.

If you would like to add people manually please click on "Direct add Members" but please
be careful and only add people you know. Using this feature for sending unwanted email can result in account deactivation. Enter the email address of the people you would like to add as a members and enter the “Welcome” message then choose the email subscription options and then click on "Add" button.

You can also view the outstanding invites and join requests by clicking on the appropriate link on the left side of the screen.

You can also specify the settings for the email. These settings will be used when sending email as a group.

If you would like to add people to the group that are not working in the company please click on the "New Members" link under the “Settings” option and tick the check box for “Allow new users not in

Then you can specify who can join the group. You can choose from:
     Anyone in the organization
     Only invited users
     Anyone can ask
     Anyone in the organization can ask (this option is the default option)

You can also edit the “Permissions”, “Roles” and “Information”.

These are the basic everyday options that you might use to find out more please speak with your IT department.

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